More than ever, it’s about collaborative actions

This past year, trust and dialogue have become more important than ever. With polycrisis challenges becoming increasingly tangible, and 50 countries (covering half of the world’s population) heading to polls, a lot of attention has gone to (need for) democracy, human aid, climate efforts, health, education, information and more. This resulted (and still results) in heavy pressure on local efforts and international alliances.

Our Annual Report provides a snapshot of this year’s collaborations (the DNA of the organisations, and a zoom on activity and impact). It also keeps the pulse on a series of evolutions and trends. Most importantly, the report leaves room for the Community. In the end, it is about people. People crafting ideas, taking actions and driving change – together.

In 2024, organizations counted on asUgo for more than digital or, now also, AI. Experience exchange, ideation and human guidance were an important part of our collaborations, together with technology. It allows to go even further in growing impact.

Jürgen Janssens
Director asUgo, Head of Non-Profit & Social Impact