eCommerce Accelerator


Product & Services Display Strategy

Having an eCommerce platform means you have something to sell. asUgo helps you display your products and services in the most efficient way online. From your offer structure to your product categories, your star services, bundles, kits, promotions, etc… We also help you define your dynamic pricing strategy online based on your customer segments.

Logistics Strategies

We make sure that your back end follows what is happening front end. Our teams helps you bridge your transportation strategies with your digital channel by identifying the shipping zones, tarification types, delivery services.
We also help you define your return policy and retractation rights to make your online activity fully operational and compliant.

Invoicing & Payment Considerations

We co shape with you your billing and invoicing strategy to best integrate it in your digital platform.

Website Optimisation

Like any other website, an eCommerce platform needs to be found and appreciated. This is why we help you shape a strong SEO and SEA strategy to maximize website traffic. Moreover, we help you select and tag the right content in terms of text and images to optimize the responsiveness of your site and make your platform agile to new search technologies such as voice search and other market trends.


Commerce Cloud Implementation 

We choose to work with Commerce Cloud from Salesforce. Directly connected to your 360 customer platform, it allows impactful scalability and nimbleness. Have 1 single source of truth for all your customers and personalize their online shopping experience by retrieving past and contextual data directly from your sales, service and marketing departments in all countries.


eCommerce Coaching

“eCommerce is a real economic project, which has to be carefully analyzed, prepared, and organized.
We help you to clarify the several steps that will be needed to make your project a success.”

Platform Scalability

We help you start your eCommerce activity through several quick steps, sharing knowledge and best practices with your teams. Stay in the driving seat. Think BIG, Start small.